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;!File: numkey.eho

                           _twKBoard() Key Codes

  These code are found in the header file TWINKEY.CH which may be used to
  replace the Nantucket INKEY.CH header file.


      Number Keys

      Key   #define      Code     Key   #define        Code

       `  | K_BK_APPOS |   96    | ~  | K_TILDE      |   126
       1  | K_1        |   49    | !  | K_EXCLAM     |   33
       2  | K_2        |   50    | @  | K_AT         |   64
       3  | K_3        |   51    | #  | K_POUND      |   35
       4  | K_4        |   52    | $  | K_DOLLAR     |   36
       5  | K_5        |   53    | %  | K_PERCENT    |   37
       6  | K_6        |   54    | ^  | K_CARET      |   94
       7  | K_7        |   55    | &  | K_AMPERSAND  |   38
       8  | K_8        |   56    | *  | K_ASTERISK   |   42
       9  | K_9        |   57    | (  | K_LF_PAREN   |   40
       0  | K_0        |   48    | )  | K_RT_PAREN   |   41
       -  | K_MINUS    |   45    | _  | K_UNDERSCORE |   95
       =  | K_EQUAL    |   61    | +  | K_PLUS       |   43

      Control Number Keys

                  Key      #define          Code

                 Ctrl_2  | K_CTRL_2     |   259
                 ^_6     | K_CTRL_6     |   30
                 ^_-     | K_CTRL_MINUS |   31

      Alternate Number Keys

                  Key              #define            Code

            ALT_Back Apostrophe  | K_ALT_BK_APPOS |   297
            Alt-1                | K_ALT_1        |   376
            Alt-2                | K_ALT_2        |   377
            Alt-3                | K_ALT_3        |   378
            Alt-4                | K_ALT_4        |   379
            Alt-5                | K_ALT_5        |   380
            Alt-6                | K_ALT_6        |   381
            Alt-7                | K_ALT_7        |   382
            Alt-8                | K_ALT_8        |   383
            Alt-9                | K_ALT_9        |   384
            Alt-0                | K_ALT_0        |   385
            Alt_-                | K_ALT_MINUS    |   386
            Alt_=                | K_ALT_EQUAL    |   387

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